Musical Animals
Fair trade frog guiros, quacking ducks, bird ocarinas, hooting owls and decorated gourds . Wooden and handmade in Asia and South America
Fair Trade Musical Animals
Carved wooden frog guiros are hollow. When the wooden stick is run over the serrated teeth on the frog's back it makes a good sound. As usual the larger the frog the more impressive the sound. Some of the frogs are in natural wood and others are stained in different colours.
Remarkably realistic fair trade hooting owls. They are made from carved and decorated wood. You blow through a slot at the back of the owl's head to make the sound. These are is several sizes and the larger the owl the deeper and more impressive the soundThese fair trade duck sounders are made of carved and coloured wood. When you blow through a hole in the duck's tail it makes a very realistic sound.The flat square pieces of wood in the centre of the dolphin clackers make an impressive sound as they slap together.