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Prayer Flags

Strings of traditional cotton Buddhist prayer flags sometimes known as wind horses.

Buddhist Prayer Flags

Buddhist prayer flags are squares of fabric used in the Himalayas. There are two distinct styles. Darchor are flown vertically from a wooden pole with flags one above another. Lung Ta (in English wind horse) are flags fitted to a cord the ends of which are tied to suspend the flags. Often prayer flags are tied with one end near the ground and the other raised.

Tibetans set up prayer flags in the belief that the prayers and mantras will be spread by the wind to benefit themselves and others. ften flags are put in high places so that the wind can freely spread the mantras.

Prayer Flag Colours

Flags are printed with symbols and prayers or mantras. Each colour has a significance.

Blue represents sky and space.

White is for the wind and air.

Red symbolises fire.

Green signifies water.

Yellow is for earth